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Teen drivers
100 Deadliest Days for Teen Driving: A Summer Crash Course
Young people wait all year for summertime, especially in Florida. School’s out. Fun at the beach. Hanging with friends. Did we mention school is out? But for all its fun and frivolity, summer can have a dark side, too. At a time when we’re all aware of the continuing toll taken by the pandemic, we should also …
Bill Scull at Mentorship Event
Farah & Farah Investigator Makes Lifelong Friendship Through Mentorship
Encouraging employees to participate in the causes that matter in their communities, Farah and Farah investigator, Bill Scull, wound up making a lifelong friend at a mentorship event. We’ll tell the story of how this tough investigator with a heart of gold would be paired with an at-risk Jacksonville youth and make a connection that’s made it …
Memorial Day 2020
Fighting For Those That Fought For Us
As we celebrate Memorial Day, we wanted to give a special shout-out an organization we are honored to support – the Five STAR Veterans Center, whose tireless efforts provide homeless veterans with the care and support they need to get back on their feet. How a Jacksonville Law Firm Connected with Local Veterans Farah and Farah was founded …