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August 24, 2023

Jacksonville Attorney Ryan Jaghab’s Momentous Success in a Car Accident Settlement

Attorney Ryan Jaghab 700k Win

Our client was driving on the highway when she was rear-ended by a speeding driver. Rushed to the ER from the scene, the accident victim was left with shooting pain and spasms. Even with all the evidence, the insurance company wanted to say that the accident didn’t cause our client’s injuries and offered just $3,000 to cover her medical bills. That’s when she called Farah & Farah.

In an exclusive one-on-one, we sat down with attorney Ryan Jaghab to get his insights into this challenging case that resulted in a remarkable $700,000 settlement. Ryan shares invaluable lessons from this case that can resonate with anyone navigating similar circumstances.

A Highway Collision and a Fight for Justice

The accident involved our 54-year-old female client and a reckless driver who plowed into her from behind. Following the collision, the client was rushed to the ER for neck and back pain. Beyond the required medical care, little did our client know she was beginning a long legal battle for just compensation.

The insurance company’s initial offer of a mere $3,000 was based on their assertion that the client’s current symptoms were pre-existing due to an accident she’d had in the past. When they refused to budge, the battle lines were drawn and Farah & Farah stepped in to advocate for the rightful compensation she deserved.

Unraveling the Complexity of a Personal Injury Case

The case was intricate due to the extent and nature of the injuries. The insurance company insisted that the neck and back pain, spasms, and possible brain injuries sustained in the collision must have all come from a minor accident our client had previously experienced.

The insurance company was adamant about this despite the victim sustaining a rear-end collision at highway speeds and serious property damage to her vehicle. Ryan Jaghab’s intervention was pivotal in steering the case towards an equitable outcome.

Medical Expertise and a Strategic Approach to Building a Case

Jaghab and other Farah & Farah attorneys achieve success in many cases by connecting the client with the right medical experts who can accurately diagnose and start treating their injuries. We take a comprehensive approach, seeking multiple medical specialists to help our clients recover—and build a robust case.

From the ER doctors, to a chiropractor, pain management specialists, neurologists and orthopedics, our client’s medical journey was long and hard. The client’s experience shifted from pain and discomfort to spasms, shooting pains, and complications she had never encountered before. This pivotal distinction became the cornerstone of Jaghab’s argument against the insurance company’s pre-existing condition claim.

Through what’s known as clinical correlation, Farah & Farah’s medical experts could draw a clear line between what she was experiencing and the treatment required to resolve it. Even when the insurance company said surgery wasn’t necessary, the opinion of the team of medical professionals treating this woman proved otherwise.

When It Comes to Accident Victims, Persistence Pays Off

The road to ultimate success was marked by persistence and tough advocacy. Even after the insurance company accepted liability, they wanted to limit what they’d pay for. Jaghab stood toe-to-toe and held firm in his conviction that the client deserved better.

Despite repeated refusals and dismissals from the insurance company, Jaghab remained steadfast in pursuing a fair and final settlement.

A Life-Changing Case Settlement

The victory was not merely a financial achievement but a life-changing event for the client. With retirement on the horizon and plans to support her children’s education, the settlement provided the means for her to do what she wanted to in life. The financial relief allowed her to see a brighter future, without the weight of the accident on her shoulders.

“For me personally, this is why I do what I do; seeing how the client wins. Winning is different for everyone. Seeing this client’s case resolved to her satisfaction and how it makes a positive impact on her life despite her suffering is why I love doing what I do,” says Jaghab.

“When You Hire Us, You’re Hiring a Family”

Having worked at other law firms, Jaghab has a unique perspective on what a client receives when they decide to hire an attorney. He was quick to point out that what sets Farah & Farah apart is our dedication to treating clients as family.

“When we approach a case, it’s like our family. That’s what sets Farah & Farah apart from all the other big law firms out there. When you hire us, you’re hiring a family. We are willing to put the time and effort into the case to do what it takes to help our clients through their journey,” he says.

Insurance Company Saying You Don’t Have a Case? Let’s Talk

Attorney Ryan Jaghab’s win for our client reveals the power of persistence, following the evidence, and compassionate advocacy. This victory isn’t just a testament to legal skills, but to the profound impact accident attorneys can have on people’s lives that have been turned upside down.

If you’ve been hurt in an accident and the insurance company is trying to downplay your injuries, it’s time to contact an experienced Jacksonville car accident attorney. Our team can cover the details of what happened and help you consider the options you have to move forward.

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