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Keeping Kids Safe

Keeping kids safe through helmet safety and educating children on why and how to properly wear a fitted helmet.
A boy driving a bicycle on a sloppy way

Giving Bike Helmets to Children

In Florida and Georgia, any bicyclist under 16 is required to wear a helmet. There are so many excuses for why people don’t want to wear a helmet. Someone might say it is uncomfortable, hot, or just uncool. But a properly-fitting helmet can protect your brain and your life! 

Farah & Farah provides free properly-fitting helmets to children. Request your free bike helmet below.

Request your FREE bike helmet today!

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*** Please allow 2-3 weeks for your helmet(s) to arrive.

Why It's So Important

According to a U.S. study, when a head injury occurs from a bicycle accident, the risk of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is cut by half when wearing a helmet. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that over a million people ride bikes, but less than half wear helmets. Riders are also less likely to suffer from facial fractures while wearing a helmet.

Bicycle helmets should be available to all, but they can be expensive, especially with growing children. By providing helmets, we help families protect their children and remove the financial stress. “We get too many calls regarding bicycle accidents. It’s a very serious problem since our roads are built for vehicles and are not bike-friendly. We can’t change that, but we can instill behavior that promotes bike safety early-on by distributing bicycle helmets to children,” said Eddie Farah.

Our staff reinforces helmet safety and educates children on how to properly wear a fitted helmet at events throughout the year. Farah & Farah has given away thousands of helmets to children in our communities since the program started in 2016.

How To Make Sure Your Helmet Fits Properly

Follow the steps outlined below to make sure your child’s bicycle helmet is fitting properly!

Infograph about fitting your bike helmet

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