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  • Shepard Broad Law Center, Nova Southeastern University, J.D.
  • State University of New York at Buffalo, Bachelor of Science in Business


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Michele Leissle is the kind of workers’ compensation veteran our world needs. Her extensive knowledge and kind soul are truly irreplaceable to workers who need equal pay or other legal compensation. As a firm, we are grateful to have such a caring leader in the field here to support our Melbourne office team.

Chuck Farah
Senior Partner at Farah & Farah


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Meet Michele Leissle

Michele Leissle is a Florida workers’ compensation attorney with over 30 years of experience working in law. With a warm and empathetic spirit, Michele truly believes in being of service to her clients and helping them navigate the legal system for equal pay. After working with large corporate firms for most of her career, Michele is excited to work with the receptive, client-centric Farah & Farah team.

If you need help navigating a workers’ compensation case, Michele Leissle is the attorney you will want by your side with a variety of experience in government, corporate, and criminal defense.

From Childhood Dream to Workers’ Compensation Attorney

My interest in law all started with the Watergate hearings in the 1970s. I was only in the fifth grade, but watching these hearings unfold got me fascinated with the attorneys who ran the investigation. It helped me realize the impact of understanding the big picture for our country and how all of the branches worked together under constitutional law. My neighbor growing up was also an attorney, and he seemed to enjoy working in the law practice.

From this moment at such a young age, I was engrossed by the application of knowledge being used to create a worthwhile society for our citizens. When I finished law school, I ended up in workers’ compensation. My passion for work equality led me to really deepen my knowledge over the years.

Looking back, I’m glad I chose this field because it has really helped me change the lives of so many people in Melbourne and beyond.

Seeing Both Sides of the Coin Can Help

I think one of my biggest strengths as an attorney is my ability to view cases from multiple perspectives. Even if you have to advocate for one side, it’s important to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the other and understand where someone else may be coming from.

At the end of the day, I truly believe that most people have good intentions. We’re all human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. While looking at the finer details of cases is important, it’s also useful to have the capability to look at a case from a human-centered perspective instead of just another piece of paperwork.

Be Patient and Stay the Course

One case that I recall as being especially rewarding took almost a decade to close. It was a tragic case that happened years ago. There were three employees who were tree trimmers in Palm Beach County who were attacked while they were on the job. One was shot and killed, and the one who I worked on a case with was paralyzed. The man who was paralyzed was unable to perform his normal work duties and became handicapped. His wife had to leave her work and become his primary caregiver for a long time.

Eventually, I was able to get him a home that was accessible with different medical equipment and give their family some tangible means of financial security within the parameters of the law.

With this ongoing case, I learned how important it is to be patient and stay the course, no matter how difficult it gets. When I was able to finally get this man some help after the tragedy he faced, it felt so rewarding to make a substantial impact in his life. This is one of the things that keeps me excited about working in the field as a lawyer, being productive, and making a positive difference in the lives of individuals.

Letting Things Unfold Takes Practice

When I’m not working, I usually spend weekends with my family or attending mass. Sometimes, I’ll even volunteer with the Boca Helping Hands food bank.

Giving back to the community or helping my family out really fills my cup and helps bring me back to myself. Lately, I’ve also been trying out heated yoga. Exercising on my own has been a cathartic practice for me, so it’s been an essential part of my daily routine. While I love working in a field that lets me help people, sometimes it’s important to have self-care rituals for yourself. Curling up with a good book is another favorite ritual of mine.

When asked, I always give people the advice to let things unfold. This is a useful practice both in my personal life and at work. Stay on task, but don’t get stressed out about the future or things you can’t control. Whether it’s a good day or a tough one, you can really only live one day at a time, and that’s what I strive for.
