Baby Formula Stomach Problems
At least two of the top infant formulas on the market today have been found to cause a potentially deadly stomach condition in newborns. The condition is known as necrotizing enterocolitis and can require risky surgery for afflicted infants that, tragically, some don’t survive. Worse, reports indicate the manufacturers of these infant formulas have known about the risk for years.
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We’ll show you how the law applies when manufacturers fail to warn consumers about the dangers of a product and highlight what’s being done right now to hold them accountable.
What is Necrotizing Enterocolitis?
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is by far the most common, as well as the most serious gastrointestinal issue for premature babies. Babies born prematurely already face an uphill battle in their fight to survive. Underdeveloped bodily functions can cause all sorts of different issues, which is why new parents often turn to fortified formulas. Sadly, several prominent formula makers have known for years that their brands can lead to serious stomach problems like NEC, and still they market these products as safe.
NEC occurs when the tissue of the intestines becomes inflamed. The tissue can die and small holes are created straight through the walls of the intestine. That means waste isn’t being carried out of the body as it should. Bacteria can then enter the bloodstream of a premature baby and create life-threatening infections. Doctors can remove damaged intestines but the surgery is risky, especially for premature babies, and many die each year. Even after successful surgery, there are numerous long-term effects that NEC can cause. The Cleveland Clinic states that bone disease, cognitive impairment, and liver dysfunction are among the many health risks.
Similac & Enfamil Baby Formulas Linked to Potentially Deadly Condition
Nemours Children’s Hospital lists formula feeding as one of the top causes for necrotizing enterocolitis. However, makers of popular baby formulas like Enfamil and Similac are not putting any sort of warning about NEC as a possible side effect for preemie babies on their products. Further, lawsuits from grieving parents note that there are no proper instructions or descriptions of the potential risks. Instead, these products are marketed in a way that makes them seem safe, if not entirely beneficial, for parents to give to their babies.
At present, there are dozens of different Similac and Enfamil formulas linked to this terrible condition for premature babies. A few of the products noted in recent lawsuits include:
- Enfamil Formula
- Enfamil Milk Fortifier
- Similac Milk Fortifier
- Similac Formula
There are no words of comfort to provide parents that have endured the agonizing fight of NEC with their baby after they trusted a top infant formula brand. The only solace is to ensure that justice is served. The mountains of medical bills and unseen costs need to be taken care of and manufacturers must be held accountable for the terrible wrong that they have caused.
What is a “Failure to Warn”?
Lawsuits point to Enfamil maker Mead Johnson and Similac manufacturer Abbott Laboratories as having known or should have known that their products could result in NEC. In these cases, the manufacturers failed to warn the consumer of the potential risks and side effects. The medical community has known for years the risks of NEC with premature babies given formula. Large-scale studies have shown more than a 300% increase in the risk of NEC for babies only fed formula made from cow’s milk.
Abbott Labs and Mead Johnson will have to answer why they provide no warning against NEC on their products and why they promote these as a safe alternative to breast milk. Farah and Farah’s product liability team is made up of skilled professionals who handle nothing but these types of cases. We utilize top medical experts in this field to form a strong case that the big manufacturers can’t ignore. When injuries are caused by a failure to warn, we don’t quit until our clients are provided everything the law says they are entitled to.
Has Your Baby Suffered Through NEC Because You Trusted Similac or Enfamil to be Safe?
A parent who has a premature baby who has had necrotizing enterocolitis after using Enfamil or Similac may be entitled to file a lawsuit for compensation. Our team can review the medical files and have top medical experts see exactly what caused your baby’s issues. Start the process now, we’ll review your case for free.
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