How Do I Claim My Free Ride?
Our Safe Ride Home Program will return in December 2025. Be sure to check our Instagram for updates!
In 2023, we offered the Safe Ride Home NYE Program in Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Ft. Myers, and Savannah. In 2024, we added Tampa to our NYE Program as well.
What Is Farah & Farah’s Safe Ride Program?
Our Safe Ride Home Program consists of vouchers with Uber and partnerships with local cab companies to give free rides to get you home safely. New Year’s Eve is one of the deadliest nights of the year when it comes to traffic accidents and we want to make sure that you can celebrate the New Year and have a safe way to get home afterward.
Where Is the Safe Ride Program Offered?
We started the Safe Ride Home Program in Jacksonville, Florida, in 2015. Since then, we’ve expanded the program to include St. Augustine, Savannah, Ft. Myers, and Tampa for the first time in 2024. We’d like to expand the program to more cities in the future.
During the lifetime of the program, we’ve given away 16,620 rides so far.