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May 6, 2016

Safe Kids Day at Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens

a little girl in front of a giraffe

The law offices of Farah & Farah are proud to be partnering up with SAFE KIDS and Wolfson Children’;s Hospital for Safe Kids Day at Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens. This year’;s event will be on Saturday, May 14th, 2016. Festivities will run from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Clifford the Big Red Dog will be there to welcome the kids. WJXT Channel 4 news anchor Jennifer Waugh will also be there. There will be prize drawing at the safety tent at noon and a free bike helmet giveaway for kids 16 and under.

Safe Kids Day hopes to increase awareness about the importance of wearing helmets while riding. Bike helmets are essential for keeping kids safe from serious head injuries and certified bike helmet fitters will be there to make sure they get the size they need.

So come on out, kids, and get your picture taken with Clifford the Big Red Dog!

Safekids.org is an international organization founded in 1988 and dedicated to preventing injuries to children, the number one cause of death for children in the United States.

Farah & Farah is dedicated to keeping Jacksonville children out of harm’s way. We cherish the opportunity to help sponsor Safe Kids Day.

Contact Farah & Farah

Injuries to children can be devastating to families. If your child is injured, you’ll want to make sure they get all medical treatment they need. But medical treatment is expensive and you could end up with enormous medical bills. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can get compensation to pay your medical bills from the party liable for your child’s injuries. To find out more, call Farah & Farah for a free consultation at (888) 973-1318.

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