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March 9, 2023

Making an Impact, One Case at a Time


"Keep pushing through, don’t let anyone stop you from pursuing your goal.”

Farah & Farah is celebrating Women’s History Month this March to honor their remarkable female attorneys’ hard work and accomplishments. We spoke to one of the team’s new personal injury attorneys, Amanda Olivert, about her experience in the field of law and what women’s equality means to her.

Why Did You Decide to Become an Attorney? What Inspired You?

Inspiring Others to Have a Voice

As an advocate for social justice and civil rights, Amanda realized early on she wanted to pursue the field of law as an attorney. After completing her formal education and passing The Florida Bar, she continued to pursue her goal of becoming a personal injury attorney. With her passion for social justice, Amanda’s motivation is “to help people that may not have a voice of their own.”

What Accomplishments at Farah & Farah are You Most Proud of?

Making an Impact in the Community, One Case at a Time

Although Amanda is new to Farah & Farah, she is already working on cases that have an impact. Recently, she was able to settle a motor vehicle pre-litigation case for $350,000. This settlement has truly changed the life of her client.

Further, Amanda has made a large contribution by writing demands that showcase the hardships her clients experience due to the injuries they have sustained. These contributions have, therefore, led to settlements her clients deserve in the process. Alongside these settlements, Amanda has also even helped throughout the community in Fort Myers during the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. 

Why Is Women’s History and Recognition Important to You?

Changing Societal Expectations as a Latina Woman

When asked about women’s recognition, Amanda stated “There is a clear disparity between men and women. As a professional, there are different expectations and ideas about what our roles in the workplace are.” She highlighted the challenges of how many women are expected to be mothers and simultaneously have a career in a predominantly male world. 

Amanda reinforced that despite these challenges, “Progress is being shown by younger generations.” As a Latina woman in a largely Hispanic community in Fort Myers, Florida, women’s recognition will always be important to Amanda. Working in this community, she gets to help change societal expectations of women attorneys and show what she is capable of.  

What Women Leaders Do You Admire and Why?

Women Breaking Barriers: Michelle Obama and Ruth Bader Ginsburg

There are two women that Amanda is uniquely inspired by: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Michelle Obama. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or RBG, worked as a Supreme Court Justice up until the day she died and continued to advocate for women’s rights. Amanda noted that RBG is extremely inspiring as a legal professional for all of the barriers in the field she has played a vital role in breaking.

Amanda continued and expressed that Michelle Obama, on the other hand, is “a pioneer for women of color”. Michelle made history as the first African American first lady and even created scholarships and other educational opportunities for historically marginalized groups. A true advocate for women’s education, Michelle continues to inspire Amanda each day in her work as an attorney.

In Your Lifetime, What Challenges Have You Seen Women Overcome in Their Careers?

Breaking Stereotypes and Unconscious Biases

Women across the world face many challenges due to years of social biases and discrimination. These stereotypes, or unconscious biases, have largely been from Amanda’s male counterparts throughout her career. The many stereotypes about women only being capable of living as caregivers, and not career women has meant fighting to gain more respect in the workplace. Amanda said, “There is no difference between male and women attorneys. We have the same degree and the same title. The only difference is the way we are treated.” 

Expanding further, Amanda asked, “How can we break these stereotypes about women, moving forward?”

What Challenges Have You Seen Women Overcome in the Legal Profession Specifically?

Equal Pay for Equal Work

The biggest challenge Amanda has seen women overcome in the legal profession is equal pay. Amanda said that “Latina attorneys are paid  $0.55 for every dollar paid to their male counterparts.” This is a problem for many women across the country. It often happens that women are underpaid and do not fight for a higher salary. Amanda said that during Women’s History Month, “it’s important to discuss the pay disparity between men and women.”

What Advice Would You Give to Women Who are Looking to Enter the Field of Law?

Be Stern, Be Confident

Amanda’s final advice for women seeking to enter law was: “Be stern, confident, and continue pushing. Keep pushing through, don’t let anyone stop you from pursuing your goal.”

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