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  • The Florida Bar
  • U.S. District Court, Middle and Northern Districts of Florida
  • Florida Appellate Court
  • Florida Justice Association
  • Jacksonville Justice Association
  • Appellate Division of the Florida Bar
  • 4th Judicial Circuit & 11th Judicial Circuit


  • Barry University School of Law, Juris Doctorate, Summa Cum Laude
  • The University of South Florida, Bachelor of Arts, History, Phi Delta Alpha History Honors Society
Won Cases
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Scott Miller is one talented litigation attorney. With a tremendous depth of experience to draw from, he can plan a case down to every detail from beginning to end. He uses that gift to guide his clients through arguably one of the toughest seasons of their lives. That blend of skill and compassion is exactly what we want to see in a Farah and Farah attorney.

Chuck Farah
Senior Partner at Farah & Farah


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Meet Scott Miller

Scott Miller is a litigating personal injury attorney at our Jacksonville office, located just off Adams and Main Street in downtown. As a litigating attorney, Scott takes on a case when a settlement can’t be reached, and a lawsuit is filed. Many cases can resolve before a trial, but Scott brings a mountain of courtroom experience to bear when that becomes necessary. With time spent in the Public Defender’s office while still in law school, Scott started honing his skills in litigating cases early.

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from litigation-focused Barry University School of Law in Orlando, Scott jumped right into litigation with a boutique law firm in Jacksonville. Cradle to the grave, inception to trial, Scott has earned his stripes successfully managing cases throughout litigation. When push comes to shove and going up against the insurance company feels like David vs. Goliath, having a seasoned attorney like Scott Miller means everything.

Farah and Farah Makes Me a Better Attorney

One of the first things I noticed about coming here was the sheer amount of resources I immediately had available to me. Every attorney in the firm has another highly-experienced, highly-capable attorney just a few feet away that’s ready and willing to help whenever you need it. That bank of knowledge is an asset to a firm and something that Farah and Farah has richly cultivated. 

Working for “the brothers.” I’ve seen them do just about anything within reason to make me a better attorney and a better person. Whether that’s paying for my continuing education, attending new seminars, or whatever else I feel I may need to learn, grow, and stay on top of new developments in personal injury law. 

A case that immediately comes to mind is when a client got in a rear-end collision on I-95 while driving a big F-250 truck. The insurance company says a driver in such a large truck with minimal damage could never be that hurt. To prove my client’s story, we hired a biomechanical expert to show how the forces traveled through the truck’s tow hitch, through the frame, and directly into my client, making it much more severe. Eddie and Chuck make investments like training and hiring experts because they know they’ll get a great return with better attorneys providing better representation for their clients. 

The client is what it’s all about. I exist to get a high-value return for my clients by preparing to take a case through trial and out the other side victoriously. 

Helping Working Families After an Accident

One of the most rewarding cases I have ever been involved with happened shortly after I came on board Farah and Farah. My client was a contractor who was an expert in trim work. One day, he was at a construction site for a condominium near where some scaffolding was stacked up. When my client walked outside, a forklift operator for the scaffolding company hit the pile by mistake, which dumped it all directly onto my client. The injuries were so severe my client would be left with a traumatic brain injury and had to get a cervical fusion, but that was only the beginning of his troubles. 

Because the scaffolding company was a contractor working at a job site, figuring out who was liable for the accident took serious work, and everyone involved pointed the finger at someone else. I had to drive all over the state, hunting down witnesses and getting depositions to solidify my client’s case. One witness was pivotal, whose testimony could help pin liability on the scaffolding removal company. This witness was highly reluctant, and I had to track him down under court order. With that testimony, the defense attorney settled just one week before the trial began. 

Having gotten the runaround for so long, my client hadn’t expected anything and instead received a life-changing recovery. 

No Matter How Complex, I’ll Get to the Bottom of Your Case

Something that excites me about this area of law is taking a very complex process in a civil lawsuit and breaking it down into easily understood elements. Clients facing the legal process are often confused and scared about what’s about to happen. Giving them an action plan for where we are going every step of the way helps them see it through to the end and allows the plan to come to fruition. It’s about getting my client the recovery they need. What drives me in this profession is to do good for those who can’t help themselves. 

Clients may come in and not expect their case to be worth anything. It’s a fantastic feeling when we get a significant settlement or jury verdict, and I get to hand my client their check. That check is so much more than money. It’s a replacement car for what the accident took. A new house with accessible features so they can move around easier. Or the cost of future medical care is taken care of. Each recovery is different because of what it represents to my client. Having their wants and needs taken care of is my sole intention with every case I undertake.    

My Hobby Is My Family

If it’s the weekend and I’m not in the Farah and Farah office, I’ll most likely still be thinking about cases because my analytical mind never really shuts off. But when I can truly “get away,” I devote all my time to my family. My beautiful wife, Sarah, and I are new parents with our absolutely perfect little girl, Magnolia Virginia Miller. We are also total dog people with a giant Schnauzer named “Duval” and a little 15-pound Havanese named “Petey” who runs the show. We love to get out on local hiking trails, with Spanish Pond Trail being one of our favorite spots near where we live. Now, if I’ve got even a smidgen of time left at all, I’m a golf fanatic. I love the sport, no matter what form I may be able to participate in.
