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Won Cases
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Dalya is one of our most energizing attorneys. She frequently works up major medical malpractice cases right alongside some of our most experienced attorneys on the legal team. Our family-owned firm benefits greatly from hard-working attorneys like Dalya, who have the chops to swing big and the empathy to make our clients feel right at home. Her client-first approach rings true to the name and I couldn’t be more proud.

Chuck Farah
Senior Partner at Farah & Farah


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Meet Dalya Farah

Dalya Farah is a personal injury and medical malpractice attorney at Farah and Farah in Jacksonville. Over the years, Dalya has developed a keen ability for investigation which helps her team understand all the different factors affecting the case. As an attorney, Dalya makes communicating with her clients a top priority. With every case, she thoughtfully strategizes the best path forward for clients to both recover and also receive the maximum compensation they deserve.

Whatever It Takes: What It Means to Be Client-First

Working alongside my father, uncle, and brother means I’ve grown up seeing what really digging deep and fighting for clients is all about. The entire law firm of Farah and Farah is built around collaborating to get the best results possible for every client. There’s always an attorney who’s readily available to share their unique subject matter expertise. I’m proud to be known in the office for my skills in medical research. This is an area that I’m truly passionate about.

With an open door policy throughout Farah and Farah, every one of us has access to the best resources that can spark our constant growth. From our paralegals, to on-staff nurses, and even a panel of doctors to help us evaluate cases, my team is fully involved in every aspect of our client’s case from start to finish.

Having the Tools & Resources to Take on Tough Medical Malpractice Cases

Graduating from one of the top law schools in the nation at Vanderbilt was an incredible challenge. Small class sizes meant more one-on-one with world-renowned professors which prepared me to take on even the most challenging cases. 

I love working in medical malpractice because my work is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. Farah and Farah’s in-house nursing staff and an outside panel of respected doctors helps my team evaluate cases like these. As a team, we work to educate ourselves on the medical science of the case so that we can map out the best legal strategy to get our clients well and fully compensated for their loss. 

A case may be so much more than just an injury. It can be the loss of something our client loved doing, a child growing up without a parent, a spouse having to live life alone. Putting a price on human damages like these helps my team fight for the maximum compensation available under the law in each and every case we undertake.

The majority of the medical malpractice cases my team handles are centered around North Florida but because my team in the Jacksonville office is so well-known for this practice area, we routinely handle cases throughout Florida such as in Fort Myers and Tampa. 

Making Communication With Clients a Priority

On a typical day, I talk personally to my clients or their personal representatives. This can be hard at times because I might be speaking with the relatives of someone who’s just passed away because of a doctor or hospital’s negligence. Throughout the day, I use my skills in medical research and case management to fight for my clients at every stage of the legal process.

From making myself available to answer client calls and emails, to attending the many different hearings and depositions required, I work tirelessly to bring about the best outcome possible for every one of my clients.

Fighting For Local Victims

I grew up in Jacksonville, it’s my home and I love it here. When I’m not in the office, you can find me strategizing a case over a cup of coffee at Bold Bean or taking a walk on the beach to help prioritize my actions. I also love volunteering with Jax Legal Aid, an organization that helps set up pro bono law services with Florida attorneys. Handling cases for those who face so many legal barriers makes me know I’m making a real difference in my community. 

A recent case that really hit home for me was helping to set up the required guardianship papers for an aunt desiring to take care of an 18 year old with cerebral palsy. Without an attorney, cases like these seem insurmountable to the family. I love being able to help successfully navigate what can be a complicated legal process for individuals like these.

Leading From Within

A new opportunity at Farah and Farah that I’m really looking forward to is helping to start a new women’s litigator group in our office. As a female attorney, I know first hand how much work it takes to get to where I’m at. In this group, we’ll be able to share ideas, support each other, and grow together as a team of women helping women—all to get even better at serving our clients when they need us most.
