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Daytona Beach Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Daytona Beach caused by someone else’s carelessness, you may be eligible for compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and suffering. When you hire a Daytona Beach car accident lawyer at Farah & Farah, you get an entire team of award-winning lawyers. We will deal with the insurance company, gather evidence, file your claim on time, and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Daytona Beach is a major tourist destination with heavy traffic throughout the city, including those passing through the area on our highways. It only takes one careless driver to endanger the lives of everyone on the road. If you have been harmed in a car accident in Daytona Beach, call one of our Daytona Beach car accident lawyers immediately at (386) 267-6921.

Car Accident

Why You Need Team Farah on Your Side After a Car Accident in Daytona Beach

Insurance companies are often large corporations that employ professionals with decades of experience minimizing compensation for accident victims. They have legal teams to advocate for their interests, and you need a skilled and knowledgeable legal team on your side. We are a client-centric law firm that puts the needs of our clients above all else. 

Our nationally recognized personal injury lawyers in Daytona Beach work as a team, combining strengths, resources, and capabilities to provide effective representation that gets the results you need to recover to the fullest extent possible after your car accident. 

We have been helping clients like you recover substantial compensation since 1979, and we have recovered more than a billion dollars for our clients. We consistently get outstanding case results, such as: 

  • $2.5 million recovery in a car accident involving a pickup 
  • $2.4 million verdict for an injured driver who could not return to work 
  • $1.4 million recovery for an Army veteran severely injured on I-95 after the insurance company only offered $60,000 
  • $1.2 million recovery for an electrician who suffered a spinal cord injury after being rear-ended 
  • $1.1 million recovery for a client with disabling neck and back injuries sustained when a driver failed to yield at an intersection 

Our results are no accident. We win through caring, understanding, hard work, and experience. It means everything to us to help those who need it most. Contact us now to start pursuing the damages you deserve.

Why Are There So Many Car Accidents in Daytona Beach?

Traffic congestion is severe in Daytona Beach, increasing the potential for accidents.  

Most car accidents could be prevented if every driver exercised reasonable care at all times, regardless of traffic congestion. Since you cannot control other drivers’ actions, you can be involved in an accident regardless of how careful you are.  

From experience with our clients, we have observed the following common causes of car accidents in Daytona Beach:  

Watch Out for the Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in and Around Daytona Beach

Three of the most dangerous highways in Florida run to or through Daytona Beach—Interstate 4, Interstate 95, and U.S. Highway 92. In fact, these highways are also among the ten most dangerous highways in the United States. 

According to a 2018 road safety study by the engineering company Benesch, the intersections and roadways with the highest incidence of car accidents in Volusia County are: 

  • North Yonge Street and West Granada Boulevard in Ormond Beach 
  • Dunlawton Avenue and South Nova Road in Port Orange 
  • West Granada Boulevard and Dunlawton Avenue in Ormond Beach 
  • South Clyde Morris Boulevard and Dunlawton Avenue in Port Orange 
  • West Granada Boulevard and Nova Road in Ormond Beach 
  • Taylor Road/Dunlawton Avenue from Sumner Trees Road to Halifax Drive in Port Orange 
  • Mason Avenue from Alabama Street to Ballough Road in Daytona Beach 
  • Enterprise Road from South Volusia Avenue to Florida Avenue in Orange City 
  • Saxon Boulevard from Veterans Memorial Parkway to Falmouth Avenue in Orange City/Deltona 
  • North and South Volusia Avenue from French Avenue to Enterprise Road in DeLand

How We Will Help You Recover the Compensation You Deserve

Our skilled Daytona Beach car accident lawyers will handle all of the details of your claim so you can focus on your medical treatment. We will deal with the insurance company, gather evidence, calculate your case value, and negotiate for a fair and reasonable settlement. If necessary, we will take your case to trial.

Evidence Helps Maximize Your Compensation

The strength of the evidence is crucial in maximizing your compensation. The insurance company may blame you for the accident or minimize the impact of your injuries. Therefore, we perform our own independent investigation, which includes: 

  • A professional forensic analysis of the accident 
  • An investigation of mechanical malfunctions in all vehicles involved 
  • A search and review of all video footage of the accident 
  • A detailed review of your medical records 
  • Consultations with life care planners and medical experts 
  • Interviews of witnesses who saw the accident 

We can generally help you recover up to $10,000 from your no-fault insurance, known as personal injury protection or PIP, while we negotiate with the liable parties to get you additional compensation.

Liability in a Car Accident

We will look for liable parties in addition to the other driver to maximize your compensation. We can sometimes identify mechanical defects, road conditions, and other factors contributing to your accident. For example, a vehicle manufacturer may be liable if a defective part contributed to the accident. 

The following parties may be liable in a car accident: 

  • Negligent mechanics 
  • Vehicle manufacturers 
  • Vehicle parts manufacturers and suppliers 
  • Vehicle owners, whether or not they were driving 
  • A government entity responsible for maintaining the road 
  • An employer for whose benefit the driver was on the road

What Do You Have To Prove in a Car Accident Case?

To prevail in a car accident claim, you must prove the following four elements of negligence:

  • The defendant owed you a duty of care. Every driver has a legal duty to avoid actions that put other roadway users at risk. Manufacturers owe a duty to ensure vehicle parts function as they should. A mechanic has a duty to perform repairs properly. Government entities owe a duty to maintain safe roadways. 
  • The defendant breached the duty of care. For example, a driver breaches a duty of care by violating traffic laws, being inattentive, or failing to adjust to the conditions. Manufacturers breach their duty when they supply or market faulty components. 
  • You suffered an injury. You must prove you were injured in the accident. Medical records are the most important evidence of injuries. Without an injury, there is no cause of action, even if you can prove a breach of duty.
  • The defendant’s breach of duty was the actual and proximate cause of your injuries. You must prove you suffered injury in the accident and would not have been injured were it not for the defendant’s breach of duty. You may need a forensic analysis showing how the accident caused your injuries.

Compensation You Can Recover in a Car Accident Lawsuit in Daytona Beach

A personal injury lawsuit aims to restore you to your pre-accident condition. Since no one can reverse your injuries, our car accident lawyers in Daytona Beach can pursue financial damages to compensate you for the harm you have suffered.

This includes restoring your financial status and compensating you for your pain, suffering, emotional distress, and loss of society. Financial damages include medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, and property damage. 

If you have clear and convincing evidence of intentional misconduct or gross negligence by the defendant, we can also help you pursue punitive damages. These are also known as non-compensatory damages because they do not compensate you for your losses but punish the defendant and deter future misconduct.

When You Lose a Loved One in a Car Accident

If your family member died from a car accident, you can count on our empathetic team of wrongful death lawyers in Daytona Beach to hold the negligent parties accountable.  

While no amount of financial compensation can replace a beloved family member, it can provide a measure of justice and compensate you for your grief and suffering, your loved one’s pain and suffering, and your financial losses. This includes burial expenses, your loved one’s medical expenses, and the projected lifetime income of your loved one if they had survived.

We Help With All Types of Car Accident Injuries

We have helped clients with nearly every type of car accident injury imaginable, including: 

  • Spinal cord injuries 
  • Traumatic brain injuries 
  • Severe burns 
  • Multiple broken bones 
  • Soft tissue injuries 
  • Neck injuries, such as whiplash 

These injuries can require surgery, months of rehabilitation, and painful physical therapy. You could suffer from irreversible, permanent disabilities or chronic pain. Our caring and compassionate Daytona Beach car accident lawyers will help you get through this devastating time.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Contact a Daytona Beach Car Accident Lawyer

Florida limits the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit for car accident injuries to two years from the date of the injury. This is known as the statute of limitations. If you do not file your lawsuit before this important deadline expires, you forfeit your right to recover compensation for your injuries.  

Though two years seems like plenty of time, you should not wait to involve a Daytona Beach car accident attorney. You will need solid evidence to prove your case, and some of the most important evidence can be lost over time, such as in the examples below: 

  • Skid marks at the accident scene needed for forensic analysis can quickly fade.  
  • If a camera recorded the accident, this footage could be erased within days or weeks. 
  • Witnesses could forget important details as time passes. 
  • Unscrupulous defendants may attempt to dispose of important evidence. 

Evidence is the foundation of any car accident case, especially when an insurance company fights your claim. The sooner you contact our skilled Daytona Beach personal injury lawyers, the better our access to the evidence needed to get your well-deserved compensation. So contact us today.

Team Farah Is Here for You in Daytona Beach

You can count on Team Farah to be there for you no matter what type of car accident you have experienced. Our clients in Daytona Beach have recovered substantial compensation in the following types of car accidents and more: 

If you or your loved one has been injured in a car accident, call Team Farah today at (386) 267-6921 for a free case evaluation.


You & Your Family Since 1979

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